Compassion Fatigue and Burnout Virtual Training
Participants will leave with an understanding of vicarious trauma and the effect it has on employee wellness.
Conflict Resolution For Creating And Sustaining Inclusive Workplaces In-Person Training
In this training, participants will establish a common language for expressing emotions and needs, and work on identifying the underlying causes of conflicts.
Recruitment & Enrollment of Job Seekers Virtual Training
Are you struggling with low job seeker enrollment numbers? Are you challenged to find individuals who are the right fit for your program? Through this training, develop a plan to improve your organization’s recruitment process and generate new outreach ideas!
Making The Right Employment Match Virtual Training
Find the right job for job seekers and increase retention rates.
Retention In Your Program Virtual Training
Find the right job for job seekers and increase retention rates.
Youth Careers Pathways Webinar
This webinar will offer a high-level overview of progressive post-secondary pathways for youth in high demand fields.
Trauma Informed Care In-Person Training
Traumatic events can have an intense physical, psychological and spiritual impact on the way we live our lives. Oftentimes, clients who are seeking basic needs (such as employment and housing) have a history of trauma under the surface. Case managers like yourselves are increasingly asked to respond to these multifaceted needs, but may feel underprepared to provide appropriate mental health support.
Motivational Interviewing Virtual Training
Motivational Interviewing is an evidence-based practice that helps clients explore their goals, identify blocks, and ultimately take action. Through this training, learn the fundamentals of Motivational Interviewing and practice this approach with your peers.
IDHS - Introduction to Workforce Development Systems Webinar
Are you new to the workforce development field? Do you know how to navigate the system, program models, funding streams? Through this training, demystify what the workforce development system actually is: who’s involved, how it operates, the program models used, how it’s funded and what its relationship with other social services looks like.
Youth Careers Pathways Webinar
This 1.5 hour webinar will introduce you to Apprenticeships, Job Training programs, Service Year programs, Military pathways and affordable college options.
Making The Right Employment Match In-Person Training
While it can take more time, finding the best employment match for each of your job seekers leads to better retention outcomes and fulfillment of their long-term career aspirations.
Introduction to the Workforce Development System
Demystify what the workforce development system actually is: who’s involved, how it operates, the program models used, how it’s funded and what its relationship with other social services looks like
Coaching Fundamentals Intensive Virtual Training
Build your coaching values, skills and tools, and explore how to apply them in your work with job seekers.
Cultural Competency & Cultural Humility In-Person Training
Build your personal awareness, reflect on your own assumptions, and examine how your behaviors impact your daily responsibilities.
Recruitment & Enrollment of Job Seekers In-Person Training
Develop a plan to improve your organization’s recruitment process and generate new outreach ideas.
Connect and Engage With Your Staff Virtual Training
Learn how to use coaching skills, counseling, progressive discipline, and influence to connect and engage with staff and ultimately boost your team’s productivity.
Cultural Context of Trauma Webinar
Explore the compounding impact of power and oppression on trauma and how your organization can support your participants in collective healing.
Moving Beyond Stigma: Mental Health and Employment Webinar
Do you sense your job seekers’ mental health needs are beyond your training? Are you unsure how to find resources? Through this training, learn about common mental health issues and myths; when and where to refer job seekers who need mental health services; strategies for de-escalation.