What is capacity building?

Group of people collaborating at a table with documents and a tablet

Backed by 40 years of expertise and having worked with more than 4,000 workforce professionals from 700 different organizations, we’re building the capacity of the field to address the larger economic system and to center those most impacted by systemic racial injustice.

But we don’t do this work alone. CJC works with non-profit leaders, funders, services providers, and government agencies to build the tools and resources needed to help marginalized workers change their economic conditions.

And, we’re always making these tools and resources accessible. Click below to see a few.

It’s about transforming and advancing the field and systems to create more inclusive and equitable career pathways for all people.

Building the foundation for an equitable future

Building the foundation for an equitable future •

Building an equity- centered

Four vertical bars in ascending order labeled "Individuals," "Organizations," "Communities," "Systems"; colored from light to dark yellow.

We’re building capacity from the ground up.

When the frontlines — the social workers, case workers, counselors — are equipped with the information, skills, tools, and strategies to serve communities impacted by systemic inequity, we all win.

Their knowledge is shared back with their organizations, who then impact their local communities, and so on, until we achieve impact at a systemic level.

How we do it:

Learning & Development

Through public and customized trainings, learning cohorts, and communities of practice, CJC cultivates an environment where workforce development professionals can learn and share their best practices in the field.

Research & Innovation

Through engagement with members and partner organizations, CJC keeps a pulse on important themes and trends, connecting the dots to develop curriculum, tools, and resources that advance the workforce development field.

Changing Systems

Through partnerships with community and systems leaders, CJC engages with stakeholders to facilitate changes that lead to a more equitable workforce development system. Learn more about our SNAP and TANF E&T Initiative.

Join an Upcoming Public Training

Build your skills alongside other frontline professionals in a highly interactive, experiential learning environment. 

We offer a rotating suite of more than 25 courses each year. Topics vary from labor market trends, to interview coaching, to cultural competency. You’ll learn from our experienced CJC staff, expert consultants, and other leaders in the field.

Design a Custom Training

Work with CJC to design customized trainings that meet the unique professional development needs of your team. Training options information here.

We can train your entire staff using one of our existing curricula, combine topics to create a more tailored experience, or develop something entirely new to fit your organization’s needs. We’re also available to present at workshops or conferences.

Person with curly hair using a laptop indoors.

Build your capacity

While CJC trainings are open to all, members receive discounts, networking opportunities,
and other exclusive benefits.