Reflecting on CEJA Table of 2024

CJC hosted another CEJA Chicagoland Grantee Convening on December 10th, also referred to as the CEJA Table, with 26 attendees representing 13 grantee recipients for the Energy Transition Navigators, CEJA workforce hubs, and Climate Pre-Apprenticeship programs. Attendees,  whose programs are located in the Southwest/West and South CEJA geographic regions, discussed their progress in implementing their programs and the connections and touchpoints made with their navigator, hub, or pre-apprenticeship grantee in their region.

The table remained focused on the end goal of the CEJA workforce programs: quality employment for program participants in the clean energy sector. Discussions highlighted that achieving the goal requires a deep understanding of the clean energy labor market so that training programs can be tailored to these emerging roles and participants can be effectively connected with job opportunities. Future CEJA Table convenings will continue to build on these discussions, insights, and shared knowledge to create a unified workforce system.


Reflecting on the End 2024 Capacity Building


Reflecting on Workforce Convos of 2024