Our current workforce system
is flawed.

We’re here to change that.

We know that jobs rarely serve the people they should, and that many of our existing policies are rooted in racism. We also know that everyone has potential—the potential to lead their own unique pathway out of poverty, and the potential to help others do the same.

Chicago Jobs Council is uniting community and institutional leaders to rebuild the system, to create jobs that work for people, and to dismantle policies that only serve some.

We’re putting in the hard work because we know it counts. And we’re guiding our community to lasting prosperous economic and employment outcomes for all.

Grounded in knowledge

Blazing the trail forward

Grounded in knowledge • Blazing the trail forward •

From the ground up and the top down,
we’re shaking up the system. Here’s how:

Capacity Building

Backed by decades of expertise, we lead trainings and specialized cohorts for those in the workforce development field.

We help frontline workforce practitioners gain valuable skills to better serve their constituents, creating a far-reaching impact from the ground up.

Policy & Advocacy

We work with lawmakers and community leaders to redesign and advocate for policies that help make employment a more accessible pathway out of poverty.

We aim to remove barriers based in bias and discrimination, because job access shouldn’t be determined by identity, demographic, or ability.

How we’re reimagining the system



We are working to reduce transportation barriers that affect vulnerable residents in Chicago and across Illinois through the Transit Table coalition.


We work with a broad network of advocates, service providers, non-profits, and businesses to plan and invest in job creation strategies.


We work with Chicago's homeless-response system to eliminate employment barriers and make jobs more accessible for those experiencing homelessness.

Register for an Upcoming Event


43rd Annual Meeting Celebration

Learn more about
CJC’s work from our blog.